leading and healing. with love.

soul medicine
Soul Medicine is not just another service, but a way of being in the world. It is a place of pure love, where the healing happens, It is a place where we are aligned with our true self and are in a sacred alliance with another living being. It is a place where we feel fully alive, grateful and united.
Nature has the wisdom and authenticity to help us seek deep connections and expand beyond our current limitations. Horses (and other animals) also have the profound healing power and the ability to help us grow. They are already fully aligned.
Is it time for a rich and deep journey with yourself and with your horse companion?
Soul Medicine is about living in harmony with ourselves and with the natural world.

collective healing
Everyone has an active role and responsibility to foster collective well-being, sense of unity and compassion for one another.

coaching for leadership
Being an effective leader means being present and authentic in a position of authority. Learning to be present and authentic take time and effort, but the paradox of authority is the most challenging of them all. Only great leaders can authentically be both safe and demanding without losing sight of their own values and principles. They can (and must) be tough when need to be without the fear of not being liked. However, they can (and must) also be kind and understanding of those they lead thus creating safety and efficiency around them.
It is rare for a leader to be good to and good for those you lead, but it is a skill we can learn with practice. Any skill can be improved almost without upper limit if we stick to the principles of deliberate practice. Are you ready for the next step in your evolution as a leader?
"Not often in the story of mankind does a man (or woman) arrive on Earth who is both steel and velvet, who is a hard as rock and soft as a drifting fog, who holds in his heart and mind the paradox of terrible strom and peace unspeakable and perfect."
- Carl Sandbur on Abraham Lincoln

how can we help
Whether it is deep healing or leadership skills, we're here to guide you further. We can help you to deepen connection and communication towards others at all levels, Together with the client we can catalyze growth and transformation, go on an inner journey and learn how to listen with the heart.
Just like us humans, our horses need healing from their traumas too. This healing happens in multiple ways including the effects on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
For those whose primary interest is a journey with an animal companion, we offer sessions for you, for your horse or for you both. Price for private customers starting from 199 €.
For those wanting to deepen their coaching and leadership skills, we offer both individual and group sessions. You may contact us at info@laumanjohtaja.fi for more information on coaching. All sessions can be conducted in both Finnish and English.